2024 PRCS Spring Activity Guide

PLANETARIUM: ALL ABOUT AURORAS (All Ages) Bask in the glow of our virtual aurora. Find out what auroras are, the stories behind them, and the danger that lurks within. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor. Chairs available upon request to hansonpark@loudoun.gov. Registration required, no drop-ins available. 374711-01 $10 F 4/5 5:30pm-6:30pm 374711-02 $10 F 4/5 6:45pm-7:45pm ECLIPSE OPEN HOUSE (All Ages) How do you prepare for an eclipse? We’ll teach you! Join our Eclipse Open House for activities and information for all ages. The schedule of events will be announced on the Hanson Park social media. 374716-01 Free Sa 4/6 1:00pm-4:00pm PLANETARIUM: SOLAR ECLIPSE (All Ages) Missed the solar eclipse? No problem! Travel back in time with us and relive the solar eclipse. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor. Chairs available upon request to hansonpark@ loudoun.gov. Registration required, no drop-ins available. 374718-01 $5 M 4/8 5:30pm-6:00pm 374718-02 $5 M 4/8 6:15pm-6:45pm 374718-03 $5 M 4/8 7:00pm-7:30pm 374718-04 $5 M 4/8 7:45pm-8:15pm CHASE THE RAINBOW TRAIL URN (All Ages) Spring has spring, and it’s time to run! Challenge yourself to a 3K color trail run while embracing the beauty of nature in spring. Registered runners will receive a white race t-shirt to wear on race day that will turn into a colorful display once you’ve crossed the finish line. 374719-01 $25 S u 4/21 8:00am-9:00am SPRING FLOWER WALK (All Ages) Some flowers only bloom for a short time in the spring. You will have the chance to learn about and fi nd these flow ers on a naturalist-led walk through

the woods. 374705-01





PLANETARIUM: SOLAR SYSTEM TOUR (All Ages) Embark on a tour of our very own solar system and learn about the extremes of our neighboring planets. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor. Chairs available upon request to hanson- park@loudoun.gov. Registration required, no drop-ins available. 374720-01 $10 F 5/3 5:30pm-6:30pm 374720-02 $10 F 5/3 6:45pm-7:45pm INTRODUCTION TO ARCHERY (All Ages) Let the arrows fly with new friends and family. Learn range safety, the basic parts of a bow and arrow, and get to shoot compound bows while playing archery games. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Adults must be regis- tered to participate. Section 01 is for ages 8 – 10; section 02 is for ages 11-14; section 03 is for adults and families over 8 years old. 374721-01 $10 Sa 5/11 8:00am-9:00am 374721-02 $10 Sa 5/11 9:15am-10:15am 374721-03 $10 Sa 5/11 10:30am-11:30am FAMILY FISHING DAY (All Ages) Enjoy a morning of fishing around Hanson Park’s largest pond, located behind the Lodge and Nature Center. Entries receive prizes and there will be op- tional lessons available to all. Those 16 and up must have a valid VA freshwater fishing license. 374714-01 $5 Sa 5/18 10:00am-12:00pm BIOBLITZ (All Ages) You can contribute to science! All it takes is a camera/phone/tablet. Come to the Hanson Park Nature Center and learn how you can become a citizen scientist. 374722-01 Free Sa 5/18 11:00am-3:00pm SPRING BIRDING STROLL (All Ages) Enjoy a leisurely naturalist-led birding stroll through Hanson Park. Learn the basics of birding and some of the common Spring birds in Hanson Park in this program. Binoculars are available. 374723-01 $5 Sa 5/25 10:30am-11:30am


HANSON PARK NATURE CENTER The Hanson Park Nature Center is open Tuesday–Saturday from 10am-4pm. In- side are our animal ambassadors, exhibits, scavenger hunt, coloring pages, and more. Every month we have a new theme with new information and activities. Feel free to ask the staff which plants are available to harvest in the demonstration garden outside of the nature center. FIELD TRIPS At the Hanson Park Nature Center we offer field trips on a variety of topics includ- ing herpetology, fire safety, plant growth, habitats, decomposition, pond life, and more. Our field trips are $5 per student. Email HansonPark@loudoun.gov for more information. SCOUT PROGRAMS Activities are available for all scout levels for both girl and boy scouts. These pro- grams can fulfill requirements for many adventures, journeys, badges, etc. Lead- ers and chaperones are free. Minimum fees apply. Email HansonPark@loudoun. gov for more information. TRAVELING PLANETARIUM Bring the wonders of space and time to your school. This inflatable, portable plan- etarium will provide an interactive experience to make larger than life concepts attainable. Topics include constellations and mythology, solar system, seasons, lunar phases and solar eclipses, orbits, and more. Email HansonPark@loudoun. gov for more information.

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General Registration Begins February 8

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