2024 PRCS Spring Activity Guide

ALL ABOUT MEADOWS (Ages 5 & up) During this class explore the many benefits provided by a meadow. Take a closer look at the wildflowers in Lovettsville Community Park meadows and learn how to identify them. 376709-01 $8 Su 5/19 2:00pm-3:00pm

LOVETTSVILLE COMMUNITY PARK 39550 Lovettsville Park Drive, Lovettsville, VA 20180 540-338-7603 • loudoun.gov/parks Monday-Sunday 7:00am - Dusk


POTOMAC GREENE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK 20750 Marblehead Drive, Ashburn, VA 20147 703-777-7603 • loudoun.gov/parks Monday-Sunday 7:00am-dusk

(Ages 16 & up) Proper identification of trees is important so we can select the best tree for a site, provide good growing conditions, and address any health issues with the tree by first knowing what tree we have. Join PRCS staff at Lovettsville Community Park to study what characteristics to look for. 376701-01 $8 Su 3/3 2:00pm-3:00pm FAIRY FOLK TRAIL (All Ages) Fairy Folk are well known to roam, but they have found Loudoun Parks so lovely they have decided to make the parks their home. Their caravan travels by night to keep out of sight but may be seen when it’s light. Take a hike along the park’s trails. If you are very clever along your endeavor, the fairy’s homes will be revealed. Free M-Su 3/15–3/29 7:00am-Dusk WHO POOPED IN THE PARK? (Ages 5 & up) Animals can be elusive, but they do leave signs. Learn what clues to look for. Join PRCS staff in the parks to learn more about the signs animals leave everywhere. Discover more about the animals of Loudoun County and their habitat. Participants will have the opportunity to create an animal track mold. 376711-01 $5 Sa 3/16 12:00pm-1:00pm NATURE EXPLORER (Ages 5-12) Explore the Lovettsville Community Park and let the outdoors lead you on an adventure. Join your friends and Miss Kathi in nature-based activities as you explore the environment around you. Dress for the weather as this class is being held outside. 376708-01 $25 Su 4/14-5/5 1:00pm-2:00pm CREEK CRITTERS OF LOVETTSVILLE COMMUNITY PARK (Ages 5 & up) Your PRCS is pleased to welcome Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy to get up close and personal with the creek critters living at Lovettsville Community Park. Loudoun Wildlife Stream Team members will discuss the natural history of these critters, help participants learn how to identify them, and explain how they can help us determine the health of a stream. Children under 13 must be accom- panied by an adult. 376702-01 Free Su 4/14 2:30pm-4:00pm BIRDING IN LOVETTSVILLE COMMUNITY PARK (Ages 5 & up) Did you know that it is possible to observe over 100 species of birds in Loudoun County in one day? We invite you to join us on a bird walk in Lovettsville Community Park and learn about some of these special residents. Join our staff on a hike through the park and discover the birds that are native to Loudoun County. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. 376704-01 $8 Su 4/28 2:00pm-3:00pm


WHO POOPED IN THE PARK? (Ages 5 & up) Animals can be elusive, but they do leave signs. Learn what clues to look for. Join PRCS staff in the parks to learn more about the signs animals leave everywhere. Discover more about the animals of Loudoun County and their habitat. Participants will have the opportunity to create an animal track mold. 376711-02 $5 F 4/5 3:00pm-4:00pm FAIRY FOLK TRAIL (All Ages) Fairy Folk are well known to roam, but they have found Loudoun Parks so lovely they have decided to make the parks their home. Their caravan travels by night to keep out of sight but may be seen when it’s light. Take a hike along the park’s trails. If you are very clever along your endeavor, the fairy’s homes will be revealed. Free M-Su 5/10-5/24 7:00am-Dusk SECRET GARDEN RAPTOR SHOW (All Ages) Your PRCS is pleased to welcome Secret Garden Birds and Bees to Potomac Greene Neighborhood Park for this special Raptor and Ecology program. Meet some of these majestic vertebrates in person. Discover more about Northern Virginia’s native raptors and their habitat. 376710-01 $15 Sa 5/4 3:00pm-4:00pm

Register at loudoun.gov/PRCSconnect

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