2024 Summer Activity Guide

Th Sa Th Sa Th Sa

10:00-11:00am 1:00-2:00pm 10:00-11:00am 1:00-2:00pm 10:00-11:00am 1:00-2:00pm

6/20 6/22 7/18 7/20

Free Free Free Free Free Free

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MULTIAGE NATURE PROGRAMS Sounds Of Nature Walk Ages 5+ Learn to recognize common nature noises like frog calls and bird songs while exploring Banshee Reeks. Expect to hike 1-2 miles while you practice listening to outdoor sounds and identifying wildlife calls. Sa 4:00-5:00pm 6/8 Free 467742-01 Bat Night All Ages Explore the secret life of bats through an interactive presentation and then hit the trail to identify individuals. Instructors will have sonar detectors to listen for bats and identify what species are flying around. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Meet at the Education Complex. Su 6:30-8:00pm 6/9 $5 467711-01 Full Moon Hike Ages 5+ Experience wildlife after hours during this magical evening adventure! Join a Virginia Master Naturalist on a hike through moonlit woodlands while using bionic ears to amplify the sounds of night. Stay after for a campfire and s’mores, depending on weather. Rain date is the day after. Contact BansheeReeks@loudoun.gov for private group information. F 8:30-10:00pm 6/21 $7 467715-01 Su 8:30-10:00pm 7/21 $7 467715-02 M 8:00-9:30pm 8/19 $7 467715-03 Branching Out Tree Hike Ages 8+ Learn to identify common local tree species from a Virginia Master Naturalist as you explore different habitats at Banshee Reeks. Expect to hike 1-2 miles over varied terrain. Meet at the Visitor Center. Sa 4:00-5:00pm 7/20 Free 467741-01 All Ages Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for a leisurely walk around the meadow in search of butterflies. Led by a Virginia Master Naturalist, this event is family friendly and all levels of experience welcome. Participants should be able to walk 1-2 miles over uneven terrain. Meet at the Visitor Center. Advanced registration required at loudounwildlife.org/events. Tu 9:30-11:30am 7/30 Free 467712-01 Birding For Beginners Ages 10+ Butterfly Walk Birding can be intimidating, so let us help get you started! Learn the basics of bird identification and what to look for in the field so that you can confidently call yourself a “birder”. Binoculars NOT required. Each participant will take home their own field notebook and local bird list. Class includes field time on the trails, rain or shine. Meet at the Education Complex. The class is aimed for ages 10 and older. Sa 8:00-10:00am 8/3 $5 467786-01 Live Animal Ambassadors All Ages Meet your wildlife neighbors and learn how to help them thrive! This special program will give you an up-close introduction to various rehabilitated animals from Blue Ridge Wildlife Center. Meet at the Education Complex. Su 1:00-2:00pm 8/18 $5 467713-01 Garden Learn & Play - Let’s Get Growing! All Ages Join our garden specialist in the Banshee Reeks demonstration garden for a child and parent interactive session where you will learn traditional gardening basics as well as native plant cultivation and care. Help with basic tasks such as seeding and weeding with plenty of time to play as well. Plan to dress to make a mess!

8/1 8/3

GUIDED HIKES - 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE Banshee Reeks hosts monthly themed hikes to help you join the 1000 Hours Outside challenge. Let’s go! June Binoculars Hike All Ages Adventurers of all ages are invited to bring binoculars and hiking boots to enjoy a walk in the woods! Along the trail, we’ll be identifying many creatures from birds to butterflies. Expect to hike 1-2 miles with an experienced trail guide. Children and families are encouraged to attend! Su 9:30-11:00am 6/9 Free 467701-01 July Watermelon Hike All Ages July is National Watermelon Month and for good reason! Swing by for a short summer hike and enjoy some refreshing watermelon afterwards. Expect to hike 1-2 wooded miles with an experienced trail guide. Children are encouraged to attend! Sa 9:30-11:00am 7/27 Free 467701-02 August Popsicle Hike All Ages Summer popsicles pair perfectly with a summer hike! Hikers of all ages are invited to enjoy a walk in the woods where we’ll stop to enjoy a refreshing popsicle at Banshee Reeks’ Lookout Rock. Expect to hike 1-2 miles while enjoying a winding woods trail and beautiful Goose Creek. Children and families are encouraged to attend! Su 9:30-11:00am 8/18 Free 467701-03 MONTHLY & ONGOING PROGRAMS Saturday Hiking League Ages 12+ Meet up with other outdoor enthusiasts every Saturday for a social hike along Banshee’s extensive network of nature trails. Expect to hike 2+ miles at a moderately brisk pace, weather permitting. Well- behaved dogs may join. Meet at the Visitor Center. No registration required. Sa 10:00-11:00am Free 967709-01 Birding Banshee Ages 12+ Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for this regular outing that takes place the second Saturday of every month. Varied habitats including streams, woodlands, and fields makes Banshee a birding hotspot. Bring binoculars if you have them. Advanced registration required at https://loudounwildlife.org/events/ Sa 8:00-10:00am 6/8, 7/13, 8/10 Free 967714-01 Volunteer Workdays All Ages Lend your hands to care for our lands! Join us on the third Saturday of every month and help with multiple projects around the preserve. Possible volunteer tasks include invasive plant removal, gardening, painting, trail maintenance, and more. Please dress to work outdoors (closed-toe shoes, long pants, sunscreen, etc.) Minors under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult. No registration required. Sa 9:00am-12:00pm 6/15, 7/20, 8/17 Free 967780-01



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