2024 PRCS Spring Activity Guide

planting your own native flower, tree, or shrub. Each interactive class includes gardening tips, pest management techniques, and best practices for attracting pollinators. Participants will take home their own pollinator seedling. Meet at the Education Complex and come prepared to get dirty. 367745-01 $5 Su 3/24 1:00pm-2:30pm 367745-02 $5 Su 4/28 1:00pm-2:30pm 367745-03 $5 Su 5/19 1:00pm-2:30pm FULL MOON HIKE & CAMPFIRE (Ages 5 & up) Experience wildlife after hours during this magical evening adven- ture! Join a Virginia Master Naturalist on a hike through moonlit woodlands while using bionic ears to amplify the sounds of night. Stay after for a campfire and s’mores, depending on weather. Rain date is the day after. Contact BansheeR- eeks@loudoun.gov for private group information. 367715-01 $7 M 3/25 7:30pm-9:00pm 367715-02 $7 Tu 4/23 7:45pm-9:15pm 367715-03 $7 Th 5/23 8:30pm-9:30pm WILDFLOWER WALK (Ages 10 & up) Enjoy learning about our native wildflowers and spring ephemerals from a Virginia Master Naturalist. Expect to hike 1-2 miles over varied terrain. Contact BansheeReeks@loudoun.gov to reserve group space. Meet at the Visitor Center. 367746-01 Free Su 4/7 9:30am-11:00am CREATURES OF THE NIGHT (Ages 10 & up) In celebration of Dark Sky Week, we invite you to explore local wildlife that comes out at night with a live animal program from Blue Ridge Wildlife Center and a short night hike with a Virginia Master Naturalist. Program fee is per participant. Meet at the Education Complex. 367748-01 $7 Su 4/7 7:30pm-9:00pm EXPLORING LICHENS - UV LIGHT NIGHT HIKE (All Ages) Not a plant or an animal, lichens are unique creatures that have adapted to survive in the most extreme environments. Some lichens fluoresce under ultra- violet light, glowing vividly in ways we can’t see under normal daylight conditions. Discover the magic and mystery of lichens using UV flashlights as you explore the preserve after dark. Expect to hike 1-2 miles over varied terrain. Meet at the Visitor Center. 367749-01 $7 Sa 4/13 8:00pm-9:30pm BANSHEE BLUEBELL HIKE (Ages 5 & up) There’s no need to travel to the region’s more populated hiking trails to enjoy Virginia’s most stunning spring ephemeral when you can enjoy masses of them on Banshee’s Bluebell Trail! We’ll hike the 2.5-mile loop to the Goose Creek floodplain to see this most beautiful harbinger of the green landscape to come! 367744-01 Free Su 4/14 1:00pm-3:00pm GUIDED GARDENING (All Ages) Get down and dirty while growing your garden knowledge! This hands-on series offers participants the opportunity to learn-by-doing as you work alongside veteran gardeners in the Banshee Reeks demonstration garden. Topics will include preparing and planting beds, soil amendment, pruning and propagating, compost- ing, weeding, organic pest control, and native plant selection. Series themes: April- Soil Preparation and Brassica Planting, May 11-Sowing Seeds and Transplanting Seedlings, May 12-Native Plant Care. Meet at the Demonstration Garden. 367741-01 Free Sa 4/13 10:00am-12:00pm 367741-02 Free Sa 5/11 10:00am-12:00pm GUIDED HIKES - 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE 1000 Hours Outside is a global movement designed for anyone and any environ- ment. Banshee Reeks will host monthly themed hikes (rain or shine) to help you join the 1000 Hours Outside challenge. Let’s go! MARCH ANIMAL TRACKS IN MUD HIKE (All Ages) “Mud Season” in late March is the perfect time to learn all about our local

animal tracks! We’ll set out on an easy 1-2 mile walk in search of the preserve’s hopping, bounding, waddling, and zig-zagging track makers. Hikers will learn be- ginner tips & tricks to identify animal tracks and leave with their own pocket guide of prints! 367730-01 Free Su 3/24 9:30am-11:00am APRIL WILDFLOWER COUNT HIKE (All Ages) It is spring wildflower season on the trails of Banshee! Join us for an easy 1-2 mile walk in the woods to catch the “spring ephemerals” before they disappear for the year! From famous Virginia bluebells to Dutchman’s Breeches, Trillium and Trout Lilies, Spring Beauties, and Bloodroot – how many will we count? 367730-02 Free Su 4/14 9:30am-11:00am MAY FRESH LEMONADE HIKE (All Ages) There is nothing quite like slow sipping a cold glass of fresh lemonade after a Spring stroll in the woods! We’ll walk an easy 1-2 miles to gorgeous Goose Creek for late Spring wildlife and wildflower viewing, before returning to the Visi- tor’s Center for a Spring treat. We welcome participants to sit and enjoy their fresh lemonade on the deck rocking chairs that overlook the preserve. 367730-03 Free Su 5/19 9:30am-11:00am


FIRST WEDNESDAY HIKING LEAGUE (All Ages) Meet up with other outdoor enthusiasts for a social hike along Banshee’s extensive network of nature trails. Expect to hike 2+ miles at a moderately brisk pace. Well-behaved dogs may join. Canceled when raining. Meet at the Visitor Center. 967709-01 Free 1st W 10:00am-11:00am

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