ASHBURN PARK 43645 Partlow Road, Ashburn, VA 20175 540-338-7603 • Monday-Sunday 7:00am - Dusk NATURE
BANSHEE REEKS NATURE PRESERVE 21085 The Woods Road, Leesburg, VA 20175 703-737-8894 • Seasonal Hours March 8:00am-6:00pm April-Sept 8:00am-8:00pm
NATURE BUDDIES (Ages 2.5-5) Your child, and you will join Ms. Kathi and other families in the great out- doors this winter. Using the Tinkergarten curriculum your child will develop language, strategies, and habits that build strong bodies, minds, and hearts while enjoying all Mother Nature has to offer. This class is held outside so you should be prepared for the weather conditions. The class does require parent or guardian participation. 376707-01 $25 Sa 4/1-5/4 11:00am-12:00pm WHO POOPED IN THE PARK? (Ages 5 & up) Animals can be elusive, but they do leave signs. Learn what clues to look for. Join PRCS staff in the parks to learn more about the signs animals leave everywhere. Discover more about the animals of Loudoun County and their habitat. Participants will have the opportunity to create an animal track mold. 376711-03 $5 Fr 5/17 3:00pm-4:00pm FAIRY FOLK TRAIL (All Ages) Fairy Folk are well known to roam, but they have found Loudoun Parks so lovely they have decided to make the parks their home. Their caravan travels by night to keep out of sight but may be seen when it’s light. Take a hike along the park’s trails. If you are very clever along your endeavor, the fairy’s homes will be revealed. Free M-Su 4/15-4/22 7:00am-Dusk
Open: Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Closed: Monday, Friday & County Holidays
WILDSCHOOLING & NATURE CRAFTS (Ages Infant-6) Join us for experiential learning and hands-on fun outdoors! Every first Thursday of the month we will investigate a different nature theme to explore along a leisurely trail hike. All ages and experience levels are encouraged to at- tend. Program fee is per preschool-age participant; parents/guardians are free. Meet in the Education Complex. 367212-01 $5 Th 3/7 9:30am-10:30am 367212-02 $5 Th 4/4 9:30am-10:30am 367212-03 $5 Th 5/2 9:30am-10:30am STORYTIME GONE WILD & NATURE WALK (Ages Infant-6) There’s never been a story time like this! We explore nature stories and wildlife topics each month through interactive hands-on play and crafts. Sto- rytime takes place outdoors in the children’s play area on the 4th Tuesday of each month. After story time, we’ll embark on an easy walk in the woods connected to the seasonal stories we share – from frog finding to mushroom hunting, bird calls, and more! In the event of rain, meet in the Education Complex. 367211-01 Free Tu 4/23 9:30am-11:30am 367211-03 Free Tu 5/28 9:30am-11:30am
SPRING BREAK MINI CAMP (Ages 6-11) Drop off your kiddos for a half-day wildlife camp while schools out. Participants will enjoy a visit with live animal ambassadors from Blue Ridge Wild- life Center along with hands-on activities, outdoor adventures, nature crafts, and trail hikes. Spend your spring break staycation exploring local wildlife at Banshee Reeks! Bring your own nut-free snack. Meet at the Education Complex. 367223-01 $100 Tu, W, Th 3/26-3/28 9:00am-12:00pm SCHOOLS OUT(SIDE) (Ages 6-11) This drop-off program invites youth to enjoy the day off from school while exploringlocalwildlife,hikingalongtrails,completingoutdoorchallenges,andcreating artfromnature.Bringyourownpicniclunchandsnacks.MeetattheEducationComplex. 367240-01 $50 T 3/5 9:00am-2:00pm 367240-02 $50 W 4/10 9:00am-2:00pm STONE SOUP FOR KIDS (Ages 2-8) Learn about sharing, collaboration, and how veggies grow through this playful hands-on class. Meet at the Education complex. Parent participation is required for ages 2-5. 367242-01 Free Sa 3/9 11:00am-12:00pm
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