RENTALS Rental space is available at most centers and parks including rooms, pavil - ions, and gyms for private parties, meetings, and other activities. Contact the preferred center or staffed park directly for available dates, times, and cost. Rental rates can be found in the current Fee Schedule at prcs . For information about unstaffed facilities, please call 703-777-0343. VOLUNTEERS For information on volunteer opportunities, including PRCS advisory boards and councils, Aging Services, and the teen volunteer program call 703-777-0343. Those interested in working with Loudoun residents with disabilities, including Special Olympics and Arts for All Loudoun, should call 703-771-5013 or 703-771-5010.
PROGRAM ACCESSIBILITY - ADA The Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) is committed to complying with the Americans with Dis - abilities Act (ADA). If you require a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability or need language assistance to participate, please contact, 703- 777-0343, TTY-711. At least three business days of advance notice is requested; some accommodations may require more than three days of notice. Si usted requiere asistencia para cualquier tipo de discapacidad o asistencia en su idioma para participar, comuníquese con, 703-77- 0343, TTY-711. Haga su solicitud con tres días hábiles de anticipación; algunas solicitudes pueden requerir más de tres días. CLOSINGS/POSTPONEMENTS In case of inclement weather, public holidays or emergencies, the De - partment will determine program cancellations or postponements. For more details, visit , consult your parent handbook, or call the program location or PRCS Administration at 703-777-0343. For athlet - ic field conditions, visit For up-to-date an - nouncements regarding County Government closings and cancellations, sign up for Alert Loudoun at Dulles South Recreation & Community Center......571-258-3456 Dulles South Senior Center..................................571-258-3883 Eastern Loudoun Adult Day Center......................571-258-3232 Franklin Park Arts Center....................................540-338-7973 Leesburg Adult Day Center..................................703-771-5334 Loudoun Valley Community Center.......................540-338-4122 Lovettsville Community Center............................540-822-5284 Lucketts Community Center.................................703-771-5281 Mac Brownell Adult Day Center...........................571-258-3402 Old Waterford School.......................................... 540-882-3018 Philomont Community Center.............................540-338-5882 Senior Center at Cascades...................................571-258-3280 Sterling Community Center.................................703-430-9480 The Senior Center of Leesburg.............................703-737-8039 REGIONAL & STAFFED PARK SITES Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve..........................703-737-8894 Claude Moore Park.............................................571-258-3700 Franklin Park.....................................................540-338-7603 Hal & Berni Hanson Regional Park......................571-367-8360 Philip A. Bolen Memorial Park............................571-258-3487 Potomack Lakes Sportsplex.................................703-444-1459
Questions? Give us a call!
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Main Number.....................................................703-777-0343 TDD/for deaf or hearing impaired.................................TTY711 PROGRAMS & SERVICES Adaptive Recreation............................................703-737-8042 After School Programs CASA Grades K-5.................................................703-737-8042 YAS Grades 6-8...................................................703-777-0343 Area Agency on Aging/Senior Services/Adult Day Centers .......................................................................... 703-777-0257 Children’s Programs and Camps .......................... 703-737-8042 Facilities Planning & Development......................703-737-8992 Licensed Childcare/Preschool..............................703-737-8006 Sports, Youth & Adult..........................................703-777-0343 Sports Postponements/Cancelations...................703-777-0456 Youth Services....................................................703-777-0343 CENTERS Ashburn Senior Center........................................571-367-8340 Bluemont Community Center..............................540-554-8643 Carver Center.....................................................571-258-3400 Claude Moore Recreation & Community Center....571-258-3600 Douglass Community Center................................703-771-5913
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