111703-03 111703-04
$5 $5
10/21 11/10
4:00pm-5:30pm 4:00pm-5:30pm
call 540-338-5882. Location: Philomont Community Center 111704-01
$25 Family (1 Adult, 2 children) $10 Each additional person
LATINO FESTIVAL (All Ages) Celebrate and showcase Latino culture at the free Loudoun Latino Festi- val! Enjoy live music, food, giveaways, local businesses, vendors, children’s activi- ties, and more. Contact 703-771-5913 for details. Location: Shenandoah Building, 102 Heritage Way NE, Leesburg, VA Free Su 10/22 12:00pm-5:00pm COSTUME PARTY (Ages 5 & under) Nothing scary, just fun! Practice trick-or treating, play games, and make spooky crafts. Location: Sterling Community Center 103341-01 $3 Th 10/26 11:00am-12:00pm DULLES SOUTH TRICK OR TREAT TRAIL (Ages 2-12) Join DSRCC for a spooktacular trick or treating event on Friday, Oc- tober 27! Accompany your child dressed in their Halloween finest as they trick or treat on the Dulles South paths. Children will gather treats and a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, run through a maze, and an optional spooky trail. This is an outdoor event and weather permitting. Registration ends at 5:00pm October 27 or
MONSTER MASH DANCE PARTY (All Ages) Experience Halloween fun with dance routines, spooky games, and cos- tumes. Enjoy delicious snacks while showcasing your moves in eerie attire. Get
into the Halloween spirit and have a blast! Location: Douglass Community Center 104705-01 $5 Tu
TRUNK OR TREAT (All Ages) Join us for trunk or treat at the Lovettsville Community Center! Register to hand out candy from your decorated vehicle or bring the kids for trick or treating. This event will be held rain or shine. Call 540-822-5284 or email Lovcc@loudoun. gov for more information on the event and to register your trunk. Location: Lovettsville Community Center 102700-01 Free Tu 10/31 5:00pm-7:30pm
until full. Must register in advance, no same day registration. Location: Dulles South Recreation & Community Center 105700-01 $5 F 10/27
HISTORIC ENCOUNTERS DAY (All Ages) Step into the past with Claude Moore Park, Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum, and the Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area Association as you engage in immersive historic activities. Go to https://heritagefarmmuseum.org/ to register. Ages 3 and under free. Location: Claude Moore Park Historic Area & Heritage Farm Museum Per Person $10 Group rate $7.50 (4 or more), $5 (20 or more) M 11/13 10:00am-1:00pm TURKEY BOUNCE A PALOOZA (All Ages) Join the fun-filled morning in the gym! Bounce, wobble, and snap a pho- to with Mr. Turkey. Jump in moon bounces, scoot on scooters, and toss balls with friends. Enjoy snacks and capture memorable moments. Don’t miss out! Location: Douglass Community Center 104700-01 $5 Sa 11/4 10:00am-12:00pm FAMILY PAINT NIGHT (Ages 3 & up) Bluemont is offering an enjoyable family night of painting. Children and parents will have the opportunity to create the perfect painting. Children must be accompanied by a painting adult. Call 540-554-8643. Instructor: Don Stinnette. Location: Bluemont Community Center 106719-01 $15 F 11/10 6:30pm-8:30pm SESAME STREET ANNIVERSARY (Ages 5 & under) Celebrate the anniversary of Sesame Street! Join us for games, activities, and crafts based on your favorite characters. Location: Sterling Community Center 103391-01 $3 Th 11/16 11:00am-12:00pm NATIONAL HIKING DAY (All Ages) What better way to celebrate National Take a Hike Day than by exploring Banshee Reek’s 20 miles of trails throughout 700 acres of natural land?! Stop by the Visitor Center to pick up a free souvenir and a trail map to choose from sev- eral color-coded trails that will traverse through grassy fields, hardwood forests, wetlands, and creeks. Location: Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve Free Sa 11/18 8:00am-5:00pm 2023 TURKEY BURN (Ages 16 & up) Fitness goals don’t take a holiday. Stay on track with our special Turkey Burn Event. Shake your tailfeathers in a 90-minute Zumba. Free event for Annual and 6-month passholders. Daily rates apply for monthly and non-passhold- ers. Class entrance cards will be given out thirty minutes before the start time of class Included with monthly passholders and non-passholders, daily rate applies.
HALLOWEEN IN THE PARK (All Ages) Join us at Franklin Park for our annual Halloween celebration! The night will be illuminated by an incredible Halloween inflatable display. Decorate a pump- kin, trick-or-treat candy, play some games, and more. Location: Franklin Park Free F 10/27 6:00pm-8:00pm SCARECROW CONTEST (All Ages) Put your creativity to the test and jump into autumn with us, and you could win four single use passes to the Franklin Park Pool for next summer! Build your own scarecrow using materials provided by the park. Funny, scary, or cute – all scarecrows are welcome! We will be providing a limited amount of materials free of charge - first come, first served starting Friday, September 25 at 9:00am. Completed scarecrows should be delivered to the Franklin Park Office no later than Wednesday, October 25 before 5:00pm. More information regarding rules, key dates, and instructions will be available on our Facebook and Instagram pages. See submissions during Halloween in the Park. Location: Franklin Park Free F 10/27 6:00pm-8:00pm STERLING FEAR FEST! (Ages-14 & up) Sterling Community Center will turn into a spine-chilling, fright- ening, terrifying but fun haunted house. Come and enjoy a young adult and adult themed heart pounding adventure. Location: Sterling Community Center 103450-01 $4 Youth 10/28 6:00pm-9:00pm 103450-02 $8 Adult 10/28 6:00pm-9:00pm LVCC MOVIE NIGHT (All Ages) Bring the family, friends and a lawn chair and enjoy a family friendly mov- ie in our gymnasium! All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Location: Loudoun Valley Community Center 101500-01 Free F 10/27 6:30pm-8:30pm HALLOWEEN HAYRIDE (All Ages) Join us for our awesome annual Philomont Village tradition of Halloween trick-or-treating fun on our Halloween Hayride! You will have fun with your friends and family riding a hayride around Philomont. Come in your best Halloween cos- tume and enjoy eating some snacks with all your friends. Register early because space is limited! All children must be accompanied by an adult. Children 2 and under are free. Last wagon leaves center at 7:15pm. For more information, please
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General Registration Begins August 10
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