NATURE ART (Ages 3-5) Get inspired by nature and create your very own work of art with nature! Use natural materials to trace, draw, and paint. You and your child will learn about patterns in nature and how art is all around us. 174102-01 $5 F 9/15 10:00am-10:45am 174102-02 $5 F 10/20 10:00am-10:45am SEASON OF TREES (Ages 3-6) Why do trees change color in the Fall? Why are leaves green? Use your senses to investigate how trees adapt to changing weather and light. We will start with a seated discussion with hands-on artifacts, followed by a short nature hike in the woods. 174103-01 $4 Sa 10/21 11:00am-12:00pm
A chair can be provided if requested ahead of time by contacting hansonpark@ 174701-01 $10 F 9/1 6:00pm-7:00pm BIOBLITZ (All Ages) You can become a citizen scientist! A BioBlitz is an event to document as many plants, animals, and fungi as possible in Start at the Nature Center and then go through the park taking pictures of the organisms you find. After, we will identify as many of the pictures as possible. 174702-01 Free F 9/8 11:00am-3:00pm POND EXPLORERS (Ages 8-14) What is going on at the pond? Discover the plants and animals that live under, around, and over the pond. Find out about animal life-cycles that de- pend on water and why ponds are valuable ecosystems. 174703-01 $5 Sa 9/23 1:00pm-2:00pm PLANETARIUM - SPOOKY SPACE STORIES (All Ages) Aliens, monsters, black holes, OH MY! Space can be spooky but the brave face their fears...even in the dark. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor. A chair can be provided if requested ahead of time by contacting 174701-02 $10 F 10/6 6:00pm-7:00pm PUMPKIN DECORATING (All Ages) Join us at the Hanson Park Nature Center for a family-friendly pumpkin decorating event. There will be stickers, paint, and carving materials available for you. The cost is per pumpkin. 174704-01 $5 F 10/27 5:00pm-6:30pm WAR OF THE WORLDS ESCAPE ROOM (Ages 7 & up) This specialty planetarium show will be an escape room! H.G. Wells once imagined high-tech Martians visiting Earth and now you must survive the invasion! Use your creativity and the data presented to outsmart Martian tricks and drive the invaders away! 174705-01 $20 Su 10/29 6:00pm-7:00pm PLANETARIUM - PLANET OCEAN (All Ages) Our “Pale Blue Dot” Earth sparkles blue from space because of our beautiful, liquid oceans. Explore sea life then search the cosmos for alien oceans. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor. A chair can be provided if requested ahead of time by contacting hanson- 174701-04 $10 F 11/3 6:00pm-7:00pm OWL PROWL (All Ages) Join a naturalist for an evening guided walk learning about the secretive lives of owls. Mimic distinct owl hoots and see if anyone in the woods calls back. Find out why owls are important and how you can help keep them safe. 174706-01 $8 Sa 11/11 5:00pm-6:30pm PAINT PET PORTRAITS (Ages 10 & up) Bring a photo of your pet or favorite animal and turn it into a colorful portrait you can bring home. We will provide the frames and paints, so all you need to bring is a printed 4x6 photo of your choosing. This will be an easy, step-by-step guided session for all artistic abilities. 174707-01 $10 F 11/17 2:00pm-3:00pm SECRET GARDEN: ALL ABOUT OWLS (All Ages) Learn all about the owls of Virginia in this program. Get up close with the bird ambassadors from Secret Garden Birds and Bees and hear their special stories. 174708-01 $15 Sa 11/18 4:30pm-6:00pm
SCHOOLS OUT(SIDE) (Ages 6-9) Enjoy the day off from school while you explore local wildlife, hike along trails, complete outdoor challenges, and create art from nature. Bring your own picnic lunch and snack. Meet at the Nature Center. 174201-01 $50 M 9/25 9:00am-2:00pm 174201-02 $50 Tu 10/31 9:00am-2:00pm 174201-03 $50 M 11/13 9:00am-2:00pm INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY FOR KIDS (Ages 8-12) Learn about composition techniques, and how to see creatively through the different styles of photography. There will be many examples to learn from and plenty of opportunities to take photos during class. A digital camera, phone, or tablet is required. This is a drop-off program. 174301-01 $10 Th 10/5 4:30pm-6:00pm YOUTH BOOK CLUB (Ages 9-13) The first Hanson Park youth’s book club will discuss Two Degrees by Alan Gratz. For questions on how to acquire the book, please email hansonpark@ 174302-01
INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY (Ages 12 & up) Hanson Park is the perfect place to being your photography jour- ney. Learn about composition techniques, and how to see creatively through the different styles of photography. There will be many examples to learn from and plenty of opportunities to take photos during class. A digital camera, phone, or tablet is required. 174501-01 $10 Tu 10/3 4:30pm-6:00pm FALL WATERCOLORS (Ages 13 & up) Explore the exquisite colors of a Hanson Park Autumn through wa- tercolor paint. Learn the basics of plein air (outdoor) painting and enjoy a calming morning admiring nature’s beauty. 174502-01 $10 Sa 10/14 9:00am-10:00am INTRODUCTION TO DISC GOLF (Ages 12 & up) Take your next steps into the game of Disc Golf through this in- troductory class. This course will teach you the basics of how to play, equipment, etiquette, and technique. Discs will be available for use, but you are welcome to bring your own. 174503-01 $8 Sa 11/18 1:00pm-2:30pm
PLANETARIUM: ANIMAL PLANET (All Ages) Earth is home to many amazing creatures and so is the sky! Learn about the constellation animals and what they can teach us about our home planet. The Planetarium is usually experienced by sitting on a cushion or laying on the floor.
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