SCOUT PROGRAMS Activities are available for all scout levels and multiple scouting organizations such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and American Heritage Girls. These pro- grams can fulfil requirements for many adventures, journeys, badges, etc. Adults must accompany scouts. Leaders and chaperones are free. Minimum fees apply. Call 571-258-3700 for information and to make reservations.
YOGA IN THE PRESERVE (All Ages) Enjoy the peace and serenity of an outdoor yoga class taught by a cer- tified yoga instructor. No previous experience required. Bring your own yoga mat/ blanket and come prepared for the weather. Meet at the Visitor Center. Free W 9/20, 10/18, 11/15, 12/20 10:00am-11:00am VOLUNTEER DAYS (All Ages) Lend your hands to care for our lands! Join us on the third Saturday of every month and help with multiple projects around the preserve. Possible volunteer tasks include invasive plant removal, gardening, painting, trail mainte- nance, and more. Please dress to work outdoors (closed-toe shoes, long pants, sunscreen, etc.) Minors under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult. Meet at the Visitor Center. Sign up via email: Free Sa 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16 9:00am-12:00pm
STORY STROLL & CAMPFIRE (All Ages) Enjoy an enchanting story stroll through wooded trails. Stop along the trail to read, interact, and immerse yourself in the exciting story. After the stroll relax at a comfy campfire and roast delicious marshmallows (provided, Halal available). Free M 9/25 10:00am-11:30am TURKEY TIME CAMPFIRE (All Ages) Practice turkey calls as we wonder the trails. See where these majestic fowl frolic. After the walk enjoy a campfire and roast delicious marshmallows (pro- vided, Halal available). Free F 11/17 4:30pm-5:45pm GROUP CAMPFIRES (All Ages) Bring your group to join a naturalist for some campfire fun. We’ll build the fire and supply the marshmallows and sticks. Games and activities available, or just have us build and tend a fire for your special event. Call 571-258-3700 for information and to schedule. MULTIAGE & INTERPRETIVE For the following programs, children MUST be accompanied by an adult unless noted. Minimum numbers required to run programs; please register in advance. DISCOVERY ROOM ADVENTURE (All Ages) Stop by the Visitor Center any day of the week between 9:00am-5:00pm to visit with our live animals and explore a wealth of interesting items. Check out interesting displays, partake in activities, or join in on a Community Science Proj- ect. Themes vary so stop by often! CMP OPEN HOUSES (All Ages) Find out what life was like in our 1779 Lanesville farmhouse or comb through 100s of natural items in our Frogshackle Nature Center. Enjoy this hands- on experience for all ages every second Saturday of the month. Free Sa 9/9 1:00pm-3:00pm Free Sa 10/14 1:00pm-3:00pm Free Sa 11/11 1:00pm-3:00pm FAMILY ARCHERY (Ages 8 & up) Let the arrows fly with friends and family. Learn the basics and safe- ty, then practice your aim while playing archery games. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Adults must be registered to participate. 161715-01 $15 Su 9/10 2:00pm-4:00pm 161715-02 $15 Su 10/15 2:00pm-4:00pm FEEDING TIME! (All Ages) Meet our friendly resident reptiles and amphibians as they get ready for lunch. Have a chance to pet these interesting critters. Find out what their favorite foods are and see them enjoy their meals. Space is limited, all who plan to attend must be registered (chaperones included). 161735-01 M 10/30 1:00pm-2:00pm FIELD TRIPS FOR PRESCHOOL, ELEMENTARY & HOMESCHOOL (All Ages) Have a group looking for some exciting nature, science, or history fun? Join a park naturalist for themed educational and SOL related field trips. Call for information, prices, and reservations. CREATE YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE (All Ages) Have a special interest you would like to explore here at Claude Moore
JUNIOR NATURALIST PROGRAM (Ages 6 & up) Learn the secrets and skills of a novice naturalist as you explore Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve. Starting at level one, grab a self-guided activity journal from the Visitor Center before you hit the trails. Receive prizes for every level. When you have finished all four levels, take the Junior Naturalist pledge to receive your official badge and get a special tour from a Master Naturalist. Free Tu-Th, Sa-Su 9:00am-4:00pm WOODLANDS ROOM EXPLORATION Stop by the Visitors Center during open hours to explore local wildlife and learn about nature. Displays and activities rotate seasonally. Special crafts and hands-on play available each weekend. Free Tu-Th, Sa-Su 9:00am-4:00pm
CLAUDE MOORE PARK Visitor Center: 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling, VA 20164 Athletic Fields: 46150 Loudoun Park Lane 571-258-3700 • Visitor Center/Discovery Room: Daily 9:00am-5:00pm
Park Hours: Daily 7:00am-Dusk YOUTH DROP OFF PROGRAMS
Children experience the natural world through play, stories, and exploring outdoors (dress children appropriately). Children in drop-off classes must be toilet trained. OUTDOOR CLASSROOM ADVENTURES (Ages 7-12) Take part in a fun and exciting hands-on learning experience. All classes will take place entirely outdoors focusing on nature and the environment. Bring a nature journal to record the exciting things you find during your science adventure! Please remember to dress for the weather. Classes take place every Tuesday rain or shine. 161106-01 $40 Sa 9/5-9/26 10:00am-11:30am 161107-01 $40 Sa 10/3-10/24 10:00am-11:30am
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