MUSICAL STORY HOUR (Ages 3-5) Join Miss Sarah for stories and songs; read books, listen to songs and ease into the fall! Instructor: Sarah Kabli 105104-01 $30 M 9/11-9/25 1:30pm-2:30pm SPORTS MADNESS (Ages 3-5) Learn a new sport each week! We will play basketball, soccer, football and more! Each class will introduce a sport in a fun, age-appropriate setting. No Class 10/9. 105119-01 $30 Tu 9/12-9/26 1:00pm-2:00pm 105119-02 $30 M 10/2-10/23 1:30pm-2:30pm PETE THE CAT (Ages 3-5) Join us for some Pete the Cat fun! We will read a story together and then play a game, make a craft, or do an experiment; all with a Pete the Cat theme. Instructor: Indira DeSilva 105109-01 $30 Tu 9/12-9/26 1:30pm-2:30pm STORY HOUR & CRAFTS (Ages 3-5) Read a story and make a craft that goes with the book. Meet new friends, relax hearing a story, and make a craft by following simple directions. No Class 10/9, 11/22. Instructor: Sarah Kabli 105146-01 $30 W 9/13-9/27 1:30pm-2:30pm 105146-02 $30 M 10/2-10/23 1:30pm-2:30pm 105146-03 $30 W 10/4-10/18 11:00am-12:00pm 105146-04 $40 W 11/1-11/29 1:30pm-2:30pm PLAYGROUND GAMES (Ages 3-5) Your child will join us in the gym for some old school fun. Meet new friends and learn fun games like Duck, Duck, Goose, parachutes games, relay races and more. No Class 11/23 105106-01 $30 W 9/13-9/27 1:30pm-2:30pm 105106-02 $40 W 10/4-10/25 1:00pm-2:00pm 105106-03 $40 M 11/6-11/27 1:00pm-2:00pm 105106-04 $40 Th 11/2-11/30 1:00pm-2:00pm WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS (Ages 3-5) Join Miss Suman for arts and crafts, games, songs, stories, and fun! Spend time with friends and make new ones! Plan for indoor and outdoor activities. Please pack a peanut free snack and water bottle. No class 11/22. Instructor: Suman Khandelwal 105116-01 $30 W 9/13-9/27 1:30pm-2:30pm 105116-02 $40 W 10/4-10/25 1:30pm-2:30pm 105116-03 $40 W 11/1-11/29 1:30pm-2:30pm FIRST KICKS (Ages 3-5) Learn the fundamentals of the sport in an age appropriate, fun envi- ronment. Your little kicker will learn dribbling, passing, stopping and scoring, all through fun games and activities. No Class 11/23-24. Instructor: Mateo Leach 105124-01 $30 Th 9/14-9/28 12:00pm-1:00pm 105124-03 $30 F 9/15-9/29 1:30pm-2:30pm 105124-04 $40 Th 10/5-10/26 12:00pm-1:00pm 105124-05 $40 Th 10/5-10/26 1:30pm-2:30pm 105124-06 $40 Th 11/2-11/30 12:00pm-1:00pm 105124-08 $30 F 11/3-11/17 1:30pm-2:30pm BLAZIN’ BASKETBALL (Ages 3-5) Join us for some basketball FUN-damentals! Learn to dribble, shoot, and pass all in a fun, age-appropriate, action-packed class! No Class 11/22 105147-01 $30 Th 9/14-9/28 1:30pm-2:30pm 105147-02 $40 W 11/1-11/29 1:30pm-2:30pm SPANISH FOR PRESCHOOLERS (Ages 4-5) Hola! Come and learn the basics of Spanish! Become familiar with the language with songs, games, poems and activities! There may be indoor and outdoor activities. No Class 11/23. Instructor: Ana Caballero 105101-01 $30 Th 9/14-9/28 1:30pm-2:30pm 105101-02 $40 Th 10/5-10/26 1:30pm-2:30pm 105101-03 $40 Th 11/2-11/30 1:30pm-2:30pm
FUN FRIDAY (Ages 3-5) This is a class full of all things FUN! We will play sports, games, tumble, dance, and laugh! Each week we may play a new sport, do some tumbling, read a story, play games and/or dance to some fun music!! This fun class is a great intro to a preschool type setting. Children will have some free play but also learn to follow directions during our structured fun games. Instructor: Sarah Kabli 105144-01 $30 F 9/15-9/29 11:15am-12:15pm 105144-02 $40 F 10/6-10/27 11:15am-12:15pm 105144-03 $30 F 11/3-11/17 11:15am-12:15pm PARENTS NIGHT OUT (Ages 3-5) Enjoy a night out while your kids enjoy pizza, crafts, games, the pool,
and a movie. 105114-01 105114-02 105114-03
$16 $16 $16
5:00pm-9:00pm 5:00pm-9:00pm 5:00pm-9:00pm
10/13 11/10
ALL ABOUT SPACE (Ages 3-5) Explore the solar system through stories and crafts! Instructor: Indira DeSilva 105108-01 $50 Tu 10/3-10/31 1:30pm-2:30pm AMAZING ANIMAL SCIENCE (Ages 3-5) Learn the science behind amazing animal facts. Each week students will learn about a different animal through science exploration. Instructor: Sarah Kabli 105105-01 $40 W 10/4-10/25 1:30pm-2:30pm PRESCHOOL IS OUT CAMP (Ages 3-5) Join us on your day off school for some extra fun! Make your own crafts, play fun games and preschool aged activities. Students will have fun with math facts and play math games. Pack a peanut free lunch, snack, and water bottle. Dress for both indoor and outdoor activities 105135-01 $30 M 10/9 9:00am-2:00pm 105135-02 $30 Tu 10/31 9:00am-2:00pm 105135-03 $30 Tu 11/7 9:00am-2:00pm MATH & SNACK (Ages 3-5) Join us for some fun with math! Your child will prepare a special and use their snack of the day to practice their counting, sorting, comparing, and mea- suring skills. Activities may also include reading a math-related story and playing math games. Snack projects will contain egg, milk, nuts, soy, corn, etc. Inform instructor of any allergies 2 weeks before program starts. Doctor’s authorization required for Epi-Pen to be onsite. Instructor: Sarah Kabli 105112-01 $40 M 11/6-11/27 1:30pm-2:30pm CREATIVE KITCHEN (Ages 3-5) Join Miss Indira for some creative fun with food. Children will learn about food and learn to make fun snacks like rainbow on a stick, bagel bear, veg- etable coral garden and more! Please notify at least one week prior of any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Instructor: Indira DeSilva 105111-01 $30 Tu 11/14-11/28 1:30pm-2:30pm UNDER THE SEA (Ages 3-5) Come dive in for an hour of stories, games, and crafts all about sea creatures! Make new friends in a preschool type setting as we explore the ocean and all its wonders. No Class 11/22. Instructors: Sarah Kabli and Mai Aladle 105128-01 $20 W 11/15 & 11/29 11:00am-12:00pm
SCHOOLS OUT CAMP (Ages 6-12) Schools out! Come join DSRCC for a day of fun. Swimming in the pool, climb the climbing wall, games, arts and crafts and more! Please pack a lunch, water bottle, swimming suit and towel. Instructor: Dulles South Camp Staff 105300-01 $40 F 9/1 7:30am-6:00pm 105300-02 $40 M 9/25 7:30am-6:00pm 105300-03 $40 M 10/9 7:30am-6:00pm
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