ry and culture as we delve into the captivating exhibits and stories within its walls. 109317-01 $55 M 10/9 9:00am-4:00pm AUTOBAHN TRIP (Ages 11-13) Start your engines! Experience the excitement of go-kart racing at the Autobahn of Dulles. Included in this thrilling adventure is transportation, equip- ment rental, and races. 109318-01 $90 M 11/13 9:00am-4:00pm
information, please call 703-771-5281. 109283-02 $20 Th
2:30pm-3:45pm 2:30pm-3:45pm
PARENTS NIGHT OUT GAME NIGHT (Ages 6-11) Join us for a night of gaming, and good fun! We will play traditional board games, video games, ping pong, air hockey and more! Dinner included. 109287-01 $25 F 11/10 6:30pm-9:30pm
YOGA FOR EVERYONE (Ages 16 & up) Connect your body, mind, and breath through yoga postures that build strength and improve flexibility and balance. Breathing and relaxation tech- niques will also be integrated into our classes. 109519-01 $36 Th 10/5-10/26 6:30pm-7:30pm 109519-02 $12 Th 10/5 6:30pm-7:30pm 109519-03 $12 Th 10/12 6:30pm-7:30pm 109519-04 $12 Th 10/19 6:30pm-7:30pm 109519-05 $12 Th 10/26 6:30pm-7:30pm
PHILOMONT COMMUNITY CENTER 36592 Philomont Road, Philomont, VA 20131 540-338-5882 • loudoun.gov/philomontcc Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:00pm Closed for Labor Day, 9/4, Thanksgiving, 11/22 (noon) & 11/23 facebook.com/PhilomontCommunityCenter
SENIOR POTLUCK BREAKFAST (Ages 55 & up) Join us for a breakfast social and enjoy the company of our Luck- etts Community. 109680-01 Free Sa 9/9 8:00am-10:00am 109680-02 Free Sa 10/7 8:00am-10:00am 109680-03 Free Sa 11/4 8:00am-10:00am SAIL (Ages 55 & up) This evidence-based fall prevention group fitness program com- bines aerobics, strength, and stretching exercises to help older adults improve balance and mobility while helping to reduce the risk of falls. Please bring water. No class on 10/31, 11/7. 109609-01 Free Tu 10/3-10/31 9:15am-10:15am 109609-02 Free Tu 11/14-11/28 9:15am-10:15am
PRESCHOOL (Ages 2.5-5) Philomont Community Center offers a nine-month preschool program which follows the Loudoun County School calendar. The State Department of So- cial Services requires proof of current immunization, proof of age and a child par- ticipation form. Call the center for details and availability. Pre-registration required a minimum of 24-hrs prior to all events unless otherwise stated.
TODDLER TIME (Ages 1-2) Join us for this Mommy and Me class. Get out of the house with your toddler and let them spend an hour with other youngsters playing, while Mom has a chance to talk with other moms. Age-appropriate toys provided. 111100-01 $30 M 10/16-10/30 10:00am-11:00am
PRESCHOOL DISCOVERY (Ages 2.5-5) Let your creativity loose! We will explore a different medium each week from watercolors to paint, your child will have a blast letting their creativity shine. Please pack lunch and a water bottle. 111101-03 $90 Tu, Th 10/3-10/31 12:00pm-1:30pm BOOK WORMS (Ages 2.5-5) Extend your preschool day with Book Worms! Bring a lunch, your love of books, stories, and fun, and stay a while with Ms. Robin for pre-reading, music and art activities!Please pack a lunch and a water bottle. No class on 11/23. 111101-04 $70 Tu, Th 11/2-11/30 12:00pm-1:30pm THANKFUL BOOK (Ages 3-5) Have your preschooler join us for a fun class to create a Thankful Book! A great, creative, exercise to teach our children about gratitude. 111113-01 $5 W 11/15 12:00pm-1:30pm
OLD WATERFORD SCHOOL 40222 Fairfax Street, Waterford, VA 20197 540-882-3018 • Lucketts@loudoun.gov Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-2:00pm Closed for Labor Day, 9/4, Thanksgiving, 11/22 (noon) & 11/23
COOKBOOK CLUB AT WATERFORD (Ages 5-11) Join our monthly club where young chefs explore kid-friendly recipes, learn essential cooking skills, and discover the joy of creating delicious meals. Cookbook Club promotes teamwork, creativity, and a love of eating good food. Ignite your child’s passion for cooking and join the Cookbook Club today! For more
Register at www.loudoun.gov/prcsconnect
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